Friday, August 25, 2006

From Aspiring Guy Repellent to Official Rakhi Consultant the hell did this happen now?!! One fine day i was up to my usual guy repelling tricks and now i end up being crowned the Official Rakhi Consultant. The good friend who blessed this poor mistress of mischief with the title was keen to know what criteria defines the bestowal of that customary symbol of affection that a sister expresses for her brother dear a.k.a "Rakhi"...
So here goes...Gyan from Rakhi Consultant to all aspiring wolf repellents...
Rule #1 Observe your prey.
Rule#2 Anticipate wolf's intentions
Rule#3 Be proactive
Rule#4 Life is Short. Break the Rules! Have fun!

Most important Rule...
Rule#5 Never ever play with a guy's feelings especially if you cannot reciprocate any sincere intentions from the wolf's part..

A guy and a gal may like and respect each other a lot..doesnt mean u will end up marrying every single member of teh opposite sex that u like n respect and have a crush on..
Personally mia has always stayed away from anything more than friendship with the messed up male world..simply because crushes are fun..relationships are not..crushes bring out teh best in you..relationships teh worst...
when i get into one i intend it to be the one n only headache i will be happy to soothe for the rest of my life. wats the fun in getting into one with a person u already know..the challenge and mystery lies in blindly getting married to a guy you do not know..
ofcourse there are two sides to teh coin..Destiny awaits me and I leave it all in teh hands of the One above..

yours lovingly,
Rakhi Consultant
Erstwhile Guy repellent


Devashish said...

hey som,

i believe relationships r fun, whts imp. in any rtship is tht u shud not hav expectations, cos thts when they get worst !!!

and we as human can't stop having expectations......

"challenge n mystery"
i'm firm believer of this !!!

gr8 post !!!

Cat on a Hot tin RooF said...

Thanks dev...wise words! i wil keep them in mind. u've jus gvn me inspiration for my next post..Relationship Rules 101!!

Devashish said...

waiting for the next post !!!

why not

start with "Rule a Day" !!!


even "A Rule a Week" wud do !!!

Vinayak said...

i agree to the few lines after RULE 5. Even i follow the same principle.
But you need to ponder whether or not "crushes are fun"!!!!
U can take cue from my plight :-(