Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Bai Bai Happiness

In marriage mandaps, that old mantra has been replaced by a much more valuable blessing: 'May you be the mistress of one good servant'.

(Feminist tendencies of yore creeping back....;0)...been skipping meditation sessions for a few days...;0)...true taurean that mia is ...without meditation cat is more like a bull untamed!...)


Devashish said...

"bull untamed" - i really have my doubts, but won't say a word !! cos

i've read "Feminist tendencies of yore creeping back.........."

Wht i like abt Taurians is tht - are the ultimate symbol of Stability, & they will the last to move, when the ground beneath their feet gets shaky.

P.S. - shud not forget writing roll no. on the answer sheet.....

Cat on a Hot tin RooF said...

hehehe..Gods boon... Same to you!Great minds think alike...(or in teh roll no. omission case ..should i say Great minds may "forget to think" as well)! Btw...Taureans are also teh laziest people on earth!

ps. as for the bull untamed...must admit at times i've becoem more of a shrinking kitten..whether for the better or worst i'm still not sure..

Devashish said...

shud read this weeks - Ganesha says by Bejan Daruwala, TOI - Sunday (today)